On October 1st my book Chained is going on sale and I’m looking for anyone who would be interested in having an advanced copy in return for an honest review (feel free to love it 😍). If you know anyone else who would be interested then please let them know too ☺️

I’m also up for doing cover reveals and interviews and anything else that anyone would like me to do!

I can’t think of a better group of people to read it first and I’m seriously excited whilst simultainiously terrified but that’s okay lol. 

So if you don’t know what Chained is about, here’s the blurb:

Terrified of the contamination and the creatures it has created, humanity hides behind The Wall. No one knows what lies beyond the wasteland. Maya has never thought much about what might still be out there, lurking in the forgotten places. But when she’s thrust into the unknown, she is forced to question everything she has ever been told. Not everyone outside died, some of them became something… else. As her heart is torn in two, every choice she makes is harder than the last. What she discovers will change her forever. She knows she will probably die, but Maya has seen enough of death and she won’t let it have her without a fight. 

It’s a dystopian ya and the start of my Cage of Lies series. I really hope you like the sound of it and are interested in giving it a go 😊. And feel free to do a favour swap with me if you would like anything done for your own blog! 

Either comment with your email address or email me at susanne3587@hotmail.com if you’re interested and I’ll send your arc over 😊 (let me know if you’d prefer an ePub or PDF) 


95 thoughts on “An offer of ARCs! 

  1. I would absolutely love to read and review Chained. Is it still possible for me to get a copy? Maybe we can do an short interview about you and the inspiration behind the book?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you 😊 I have done the goodreads page! It was a faff for some unknown reason but now it’s finally happened lol I’d love you to read it and I look forward to hearing what you think! xoxo


  3. Hi! Congratulations on your first book!! Go ahead and make a Goodreads page so we can all flood it with our reviews (: Your book sounds intriguing and I’d love to read it and write a review! I’ll go ahead and send you an email! Best of luck!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Reblogged this on carolinepeckham and commented:
    If you’re interested in getting an ARC of an upcoming Dystopia YA please check out my sister’s blog!! And don’t forget to follow her she’s an amazing writer! (I have read all her books and I promise it’s fantastic so don’t miss this chance to get a free copy of the first book in The Cage of Lies Saga!)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good luck to you. You have a book on the way and four more waiting. You’re mostly there. Congratulations by the way. I admire Fantasy authors mostly because of the world building and their ability to take me away. And thank you so much. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. That was my guess and it’s my favourite too but for writing my first book I thought I’d ease into it rather than taking on the terrifying task of world building just yet lol. Your ARC is on its way and I hope you like it ☺️xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi there, I’d love to review your book. The synopsis sounds great and Dystopian is my second favourite genre so I’d love to give your book a read. I read in your ‘Welcome’ post that it’s ebook? My email is: caron_bull-176@hotmail if you’re willing to allow me to review. Please and thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

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