Afflicted ARC readers wanted!

Hey guys! I’ve finally got the first book in my Tainted Earth Saga ready for release and would love for some of you to join my ARC army and read it for review. The official release date is December 15th but the ARCs are ready to go now! To get your copy, all you need to do is join my group on Goodreads or Facebook and I’ll give you the link to download it for free. Afflicted is the first book in the Tainted Earth Saga, an action packed dystopian romance filled with love, uncertainty and danger on every page.

I’ve included the cover and blurb here for you to have a look at if I haven’t sold the idea enough yet….

If you’re already a fan of my books then you’re in for an extra treat as this series is set in the same universe as the Cage of Lies Saga. Seventy years before Maya discovered the Cage of Lies, Kaitlyn’s world is about to change forever. And if you haven’t read the Cage of Lies books then why not check them out? The complete series is free to read on Kindle Unlimited and you can grab the first book Chained here 😊

Over 25,000 sales!

Chained has now sold over 25,000 copies and I just wanted to say how grateful I am to everyone for reading! If you haven’t joined Maya in her story yet then you can get book one Chained for free on kindle now! The entire series is avalaible on kindle and kindle unlimited so why not find out what the Cage of Lies is hiding? 

Terrified of the contamination and the creatures it has created, they hide behind The Wall. In a time when fear rules and the unknown is always a threat, Maya lives in a city cut off from the outside world. But when fate sets her free the cage of lies will slowly be unraveled. In a story of true love, friendship, bravery and adventure nothing is ever as it seems. Danger lurks around every corner and everything Maya ever thought she knew about the world will be thrown into question.

The Cage of Lies saga is a nonstop heart pounding adventure from the first page to the last.

Giveaway! Win one of two signed copies of Chained

Just a little reminder to any of you who haven’t entered the giveaway for my book Chained. It ends on December 14th so don’t forget to join 637 others and enter for your chance to win!

IMG_0461-3 Terrified of the contamination and the creatures it has created, humanity hides behind The Wall. No one knows what lies beyond the wasteland. Maya has never thought much about what might still be out there, lurking in the forgotten places. But when she’s thrust into the unknown, she is forced to question everything she has ever been told. Not everyone outside died, some of them became something… else. As her heart is torn in two, every choice she makes is harder than the last. What she discovers will change her forever. She knows she will probably die, but Maya has seen enough of death and she won’t let it have her without a fight. 

Good luck! xoxo

Halloween book tag πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

Thank you so much to imanadventurest for tagging me to do this great new tag which they created! Check out their blog because it’s brilliant!

πŸ‘» Favourite scary read for Halloween:

   This book isn’t out and out scary but it has a creepy feel to it and I just couldn’t put it down so it is definitely my favourite!

πŸŽƒ Scariest book cover. Like ever.

   I love Brandon Sanderson’s covers and this one creeped me out so much before I read the book and probably even more since lol

πŸ‘» If you could pick any author to go trick or treating with, who would you pick?

I want to go trick or treating with J K Rowling and I want to go trick or treating at Hogwarts and I don’t’ think that’s unreasonable!

πŸŽƒ If you could dress up as any bookish character for Halloween, who would you be?

   I think I might even have to do this next year!

πŸ‘» If you could find anything from any book in your trick or treat stash, what would you hope to find?

  Dwayne Johnson, I think it would be more of a trick or treat sack but if I found him in there I’d be pretty pleased ☺️

πŸŽƒ In what fictional world would you like to go trick or treating?

I think you’d get a pretty interesting stash in Middle Earth

πŸ‘» what book villain would you not like to meet alone in a dark alley on Halloween?

  Voldemort would be pretty much the worst person to run in to, he’d just kill you no matter what!

πŸŽƒ would you rather dress up as a vampire, zombie, werewolf or shadowhunter?

  It would be easier to look good as any of the others but if I’m dressing up I think I’d rather go all out as a zombie!
πŸ‘»pick a candy (just one) from Harry Potter that you would love to find in your stash

I’d go with Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans because they are technically every candy anyway!

πŸŽƒWhat is your favourite Halloween candy?

I just like dairy milk chocolate lol I never want anything else’s!

I hope you all had fun reading my answers and I’d like to tag anyone who would like to do this great tag! Don’t forget to link back to Book Adventures if you do as it is their original tag! Xoxo

My life in books tag πŸ“–

I was actually tagged to do this one! So thank you Caroline for tagging me and you should check out her blog too!
1. Find a book for each of your initials


S: Switched by Amanda Hocking. If you haven’t read these books yet then it’s about time you crawl out from under your rock and get on with it! Plus Amanda Hocking is very inspirational to me so this is the obvious choice ☺️

V: Voice of the Gods by Trudi Canavan. I LOVE this series! If you’re into ya fantasy then you should definitely check these out. It’s been a few years since I’ve read it but the characters and their story have stayed with me

2. Count your age along your bookshelf – which book is it?


I’m an alphabetiser so there’s nothing random about my shelf but at number 28 sits this little beauty. If you haven’t read this prequel then I definitely recommend it (I just wish it had been a trilogy too)

3. Pick a book set in your city/state/country.


I went for the Slated books by Teri Terry, they are set in sunny England and are a really great dystopian read.

4. Pick a book that represents a destination you would love to travel to.


Hogwarts. I want to go to Hogwarts *stamps foot impatiently* my owl must have gotten lost…

5. Pick a book that’s your favourite colour.

I like grey. Maybe this is strange but I just like grey and I love Game of Thrones so here’s my winner.

6. Which book do you have the fondest memories of?


My dad used to read The Hobbit to me when I was very little and it’s where my love of books began.

7. Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?

I can’t really think of one that I would call difficult but I tend to find classics kinda boring 😳

8. Which book in your tbr would give you the biggest sense of accomplishment when you finish it?

The Game of Thrones books. Im about half way through A clash of Kings (book 2) and I’m loving it but I watched the tv series first (I know that’s not okay but it was on my tbr and the series looked so good and I caved) I’m reading them now that the series has caught up with the books but because I already know the basic plot I’m not rushing to read and find out what happens next so it’s taking me a little while to get through. Plus this is by far the biggest series on my tbr which I’m not already at least part way into yet!

I hope you enjoyed my answers ☺️ As usual I’m tagging everyone who wants to do this!  


Tomorrow, my second book Linked is going to be released and in celebration my first book Chained is going to be free for the day! 

And if you feel like really helping me out, I’ll be doing a post about this tomorrow on my Facebook page and a like and share would really help me get the word out! 😍 it’s tough promoting a new book and I’ve been very lucky so far with my sales and reviews but I would love for even more people to find out about Chained and even better: for them to get their copy for free!

Here is the blurb for anyone who needs to know more:

Terrified of the contamination and the creatures it has created, humanity hides behind The Wall. No one knows what lies beyond the wasteland. Maya has never thought much about what might still be out there, lurking in the forgotten places. But when she’s thrust into the unknown, she is forced to question everything she has ever been told. Not everyone outside died, some of them became something… else. As her heart is torn in two, every choice she makes is harder than the last. What she discovers will change her forever. She knows she will probably die, but Maya has seen enough of death and she won’t let it have her without a fight

Thank you guys in advance and I’ll be reminding you all to get your freebie tomorrow ☺️ xoxo

Mean Girls Book Tag πŸ’ƒπŸ»

In the general tradition that I have created for myself of just doing tags I haven’t been tagged to do, I’m doing this one! So here goes…

1.“It’s pronounced like Cady” – which fictional character’s name do you get completely wrong?

Hermione πŸ™ˆ she was Harmony to me for a long time lol

2. “She doesn’t even go here!” – which character would you like to place in a fictional world from another book or series?

I’d like to stick Celeana Sardothian in The Hunger Games because let’s be honest, she would be the best contestant ever! 

3. “On Wednesdays we wear pink!” – Repetition. Repetition. Which book gave you dejavu of another book while reading it?

50 Shades of Grey gave me Twilight dejavu for obvious reasons lol. A friend of mine bet me I wouldn’t be able to guess what happened in the end and I laughed as I told her how the whole thing would play out. πŸ˜‹

4. “You all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and whores.” – which book gave you the complete opposite of girl power feels?

Watership Down. They’re all rabbits. And boys. (Also did the cartoon give anyone else nightmares? 😱)

5. “You go Glen Coco!” – name a character you felt like you wanted to cheer on while reading.

Katniss Everdeen! I mean yeah it was a trilogy so I was fairly sure she’d survive the Hunger Games but I was cheering her on all the way! πŸŽ‰

6. “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!” – how long do you typically spend in a book shop?

If I’m alone or with my sister we could be talking hours, if I’m with my husband I’ll be lucky to get 10 minutes *sigh*

7. “It’s not my fault you’re like in love with me or something!” – which fictional character would have to get a restraining order on you if they were real?

Probably Chaol Westfall and Edward Cullen 😳 Also if Dwayne Johnson ever got too close to me he might have a problem…

8. “I can’t help it if I’m popular.” –which overhyped book were you cautious about reading?

Twilight. I hated the idea of it and even let someone ruin the whole plot for me before eventually deciding to give it a go and loving it lol

9. “She’s a life ruiner. She ruins peoples lives.” – we all love Regina George. Name a villain you couldn’t help but love.

Eric in Divergent. 😍 so maybe I fell for him a bit too hard but I stand by it!

10. “I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom.” – your favourite fictional parents.

I generally hate parents in everything lol they’re always trying to be downers on everything (Clary’s mom 😑) but there is an obvious exception to the rule – Molly and Arthur Weasly! (Not movie Molly though 😑)

11. “That’s so fetch!” – which book or series would you love to catch on? 

I think this series is already fairly popular but I never seem to find anyone else who has read it and it’s great! 

12. “How do I even begin to explain Regina George?” – describe your ideal character to read about.

I think I just love a badass. Someone tough and in control who knows what they like and what they don’t and goes after what they want in life 

13. “I just have a lot of feelings.” – what do you do when a book gives you a bad case of ‘the feels?’

Try (and fail) to explain it to my husband, get frustrated, search for someone who has read it and knows, usually fail, get frustrated, read on lol

14. “Nice wig Janice, what’s it made from? Your mom’s chest hair?” – which characters one-liners would you love to claim for yourself?

The one that springs to mind is Effie from The Hunger games

15. “Boo, you whore.” – name a time a character’s decision has made you roll your eyes

Tris. She made a great decision to be Dauntless and the rest of them often made me want to scream lol 

If you’d like to do this tag then please do! Xoxo

Confessions of a writer tag…

I was tagged to do this by Melanie so thank you! This looks fun and a little daunting but here goes nothing…
This tag was created by a little bookish a little writerly and the rules are listed there!

1. When did you first start writing? Was being a writer something you always wanted to do?

I first started writing my Cage of Lies books in August 2013 but have been writing on and off since I was a kid. I always wanted to be a writer and it was something I always just said and bpnever really did much about so one day I just decided to stop talking about it and stat doing it!

2. What genre do you write?

So far Dystopia but I have an apocalyptic series running around in my head which will probably follow and I’d love to do fantasy one day too!

3. Can you tell us a little about your current work in progress? When did you start working on this project?

I’m currently working on Broken, the third instalment of my Cage of Lies saga. I’m in more of an editing stage with it than all out writing and as it’s the third book I won’t give too much away but this one is emotionally more difficult than the others. Maya, my protagonist, is dealing with a lot of difficult issues in her personal life as well as the ongoing struggles that run throughout the series. I’ve been working on the series for a few years but can’t be sure exactly when I started in this book!

4. What was your first piece that you can remember writing? What was it about?

The first piece I can actually remember writing was a fantasy with lots of dragons and people who lived in cities in the clouds. It started off with this little hermit guy who was guarding a town in the middle of the city. Some people came and kidnapped a girl from the town and killed the hermit… I didn’t finish it but maybe one day I’ll find it and see if there’s anything there that I can use going forward lol

5. What’s the best part about writing?

I get go on an adventure every day!

6. What’s the worst part about writing?

Killing off characters you love because the plot demands it 😭

7. What’s the name of your favourite character and why? (This can be from another author or your own work. Book crushes are perfectly acceptable here as well.)

Today, it’s Harry Potter I don’t have to tell you why because you already know! 

8. How much time a day/week do you get to write? When is the best time for you to write (morning or night)?

Time of day doesn’t make much difference to me. I tend to write when I get in from work in the evenings or on my days off and I’ll squeeze some into my lunch breaks too. When I’m in all out writing mode I have a minimum of 2000 words a day to write but on my days off I make that 8000 and I’ve managed 12000 a few times ☺️

9. Did you go to college for writing? Or if you haven’t been to college yet, do you plan to?

I didn’t. I don’t think it matters as I think writing is a passion and you can either do it or you can’t. Everyone’s routes to it are different but for me college wasn’t part of my journey.

10. What bothers you more: spelling errors, punctuation errors or grammar errors?

They all bother me but I’d go for grammar because I can’t bear it when people get their there and they’re muddled – it sets my teeth on edge! 

11. What is the best writing advice that anyone has given you?

Write what you love. If you love the story you are trying to tell then you will get it written, edited and out there. If you don’t love it you’ll lose momentum along the way…

12. What advice would you give to another writer?

Write the book you want to read. Don’t try and please anyone else, don’t compromise your vision and when you finish it you’ll be proud of it!

13. What are your favourite writing sites or blogs that you turn to for help, tips or encouragements?

To be honest I’ve never used any πŸ˜• I just do what feels natural and I have my sister to discuss any issues with or offer encouragement!

14. Besides writing, what else do you enjoy doing? What are your hobbies?

Reading lol I love working out and watching movies and playing video games if I get the chance too.

15. What is the best book you’ve read this year?

Ahhhh this is so hard but I think Queen of Shadows pips it for me!

16. What is the best movie you’ve seen this year?

Ahhh this is hard too 😬 maybe the new Terminator as that sounds out in my mind

17. What is your favourite book or series of all time?

I don’t know I don’t know! I’m going for Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and the Twilight saga oh and Lord of the Rings and probably more too because I have too many!

18. Who is your favourite author?

I can’t pick. If I do a list it will have more than ten names on it so I just won’t lol

19. What are your plans for the rest of the year in terms of your writing?

I’ll be editing and trying to release Broken and I think I’ll try to write and release another novella called Embers (I can’t give away anything about that one for spoilers lol)

20. Where else can we find you online?

Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and my books are available on Amazon 😊
I’m just nominating any authors out there who would like to do this, I’d love to head your answers too! Xoxo

Another offer of ARCs!

Hey guys! October has been a crazy month for me so far and it’s about to get a little crazier! The second book in my Cage of Lies saga is going to be released later in the week and I’m looking for anyone who would like an ARC 😊 

It is book 2 in the series so I’d advise you to have read Chained first 😊 

Here’s the blurb to give you an idea of what you’re in for…

In a world she never knew existed, Maya is coming to terms with how much her life has changed. Danger lurks around every corner, nothing is as she expects and she’s never felt so alive. But the choices she makes could change everything and jeopardise the things she cherishes most. There is so much to learn and so much to love but her heart is pulling her back. The Guardians are hiding in the shadow cast by their Wall, concealing the truth from the people inside. It’s a shadow that darkens her happiness and she can’t stop fighting until the truth comes to light. It would be easier to walk away but Maya has never run from anything and she’s not about to start now. 

Just send me an email at if you’re interested and let me know if you’d prefer an ePub or PDF! ☺️ xoxo