Thanks to giovanna for tagging me! Check out her blog, it’s great! 😊

1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

I’m a bit of a Sheldon  😳 I have a spot on the couch and I don’t even like other people to sit there if I’m not there… I also take books up to bed too.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?

 I used to do random bits of paper but when one of my besties found out I was writing a book she got me a lovely bookmark which I now treasure. It means a lot to me because she believed in me and it always makes me smile when I open a book and find it! 

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop at the end of a chapter / after a certain amount of pages?

I tend to binge read so I’ll be cramming a book into every available moment when I’m into it. That may mean I end up stopping randomly half way through a page and doing the shifty sideways bookmark malarkey! But I prefer to finish a chapter, although if it’s a cliffhanger I’ll read another page or two, or three…

4. Do you eat or drink while reading?

 Much to the detriment of my clothes the answer is yes lol. I tend to hold my book away safely but then I’m not paying enough attention to the fork – mouth ratio and sadly it doesn’t always end well. I know I shouldn’t do it but I can’t always bear to put a book down for something as boring as dinner 🍕

5. Multitasking: music or TV whilst reading?

I always have the TV on. Always. I find one thing alone doesn’t keep me occupied unless it’s really good (walking dead and game of thrones are pretty much the only shows I’ll give my full attention) and if a book sucks me in far enough then I’ll just block the TV out. But generally I can do both simultainiously and know exactly what’s going on in both. Maybe I’m odd but I’m okay with that 😊

6. One book at a time or several on the go?

One book to rule them all! (Shameless lotr reference) if I’m in then I’m in and I don’t really do dnf. I’ll force my way through regardless and reserve my opinion until the very end. But generally I just get obsessed and zoom through books one after another so quickly that I don’t really consider picking up anything else.

7. Read at home or everywhere?

Everywhere! Home, work, car and if I’ll toss it in my handbag wherever I’m going just in case some free time appears. I actually enjoy waiting rooms lol. 

8. Read aloud or silently in your head?

In my head. Reading aloud is just words but in my head there’s a whole world of people and voices and places going on! 

9. Do you read ahead or skip pages?

Never!!! Sometimes I put my hand over the bottom of the page during something tense so I can’t even skip a few lines. 

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it new?

I don’t particularly do either. I don’t bend my books back on themselves but I do open them – I’m not going to squint into the middle just to avoid a crease on the spine. 

11. Do you write in books?

Why would I?

Tag, you’re it!






Do it, don’t do it, I don’t mind! If anyone else fancies it then please go ahead and let me know that you did so I can read your answers too! Xoxo

23 thoughts on “The Reading Habits Tag 📚

  1. Lol yeah I’ve never really done the whole books on tape while driving thing but then I tend to just be singing really loudly and getting words wrong 😳 I’ve just posted my tag, it was a hard one! Some of my answers may not make sense under too much scrutiny but oh well! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh man! I used to do my homework in front of the tv, too. It… didn’t go well from what I remember. Haha!
    I think I’m too consumed by my one task to really do much else. Like trying to listen to books or language lessons while driving. Nope! My brain tunes one or the other out. Kinda dangerous… :/
    And this tag was REALLY hard for me. Haha! Good luck. ^.^

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lol I’ve done it since I was a kid – I could only ever get my homework done if the tv was on and it used to drive my mum and dad nuts but it was true and it’s just stuck with everything since! I actually find it irritating to only be doing one thing (I don’t doubt that that makes me weird though😳) I’ll get on with your tag now – I seriously have no idea who I’ll pick so it might be interesting xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah! I love this tag! I mean, write in books? Are people crazy?! 0.0 The horror! Though, I can’t fathom how you can read everywhere, even in front of a TV! That’s just… insane. My brain can barely handle music in the background! Ugh. Wish I had them mad skills!

    But speaking of blog tags! I have tagged you for another one!

    Liked by 2 people

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